Not a word about immigrants! The head of the Luhansk Regional State Administration, Artem Lysogor, who did not hold any press conference, was given the opportunity to promote himself at the DONBAS MEDIA FORUM (VIDEO)

On October 18, at the annual conference that brings together journalists and media managers of Ukraine and the world “DONBAS MEDIA FORUM”, the head of the Luhansk Regional State Administration, Artem Lysogor, who during his one and a half years in office (since April 12, 2023) did not hold a single press conference, i.e. ignored as an official, one of the main elements of democracy, to publicly answer the pressing questions of journalists, the organizers of the forum provided a welcome speech (Watch the video).

That is, instead of an appropriate informational boycott for an official who does not work according to democratic principles, the organizers of the forum gave the opportunity to Artem Lysogor, an official closed from journalists, to promote himself once again on one of the main media platforms of the Ukrainian journalistic environment. That is, in the journalistic environment, in this way, some double standards are SPREAD and reported, without the absence of a negative reaction to negligent closed officials.

We will remind that at last year’s “DMF” forum, which was held in the fall of 2023. a journalist from the ZARAZ.INFO editorial office personally asked Lysohor in an online zoom session about his lack of press conferences, but the official’s democracy situation has not improved in a year! We will also remind you that Artem Lysogor gave only 2 interviews to journalists during his term of office at the Luhansk Regional State Administration.

Video of the YouTube channel ZARAZ.INFO/ “President Lysohor, who did not hold any press conference, was given publicity on the DONBAS MEDIA FORUM”

The official position of what the official Lysogor spoke about at the “DMF-2024” forum is presented on the website of the Luhansk Regional State Administration. In his speech, Artem Lysogor concentrated on the illusory future and on the residents of TOT, but he did not say a word about the forcibly displaced residents of Luhansk region, who live next to him in the controlled territory with their problems of survival!

Screenshot from the website of the Luhansk Regional State Administration

Volodymyr Khapchuk